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Halloween Origins Trivia

Enjoy a carefully curated collection of Halloween Tradition & Folklore trivia with Festly's Halloween Origins Trivia.
5 Questions
1. From what ancient festival did Halloween originate?
The Celtic festival of Samhain
Pronounced sah-win
2. Where does the word "Halloween" come from?
All Hallows Eve
3. To what legend do we owe Jack O'Lanterns?
Stingy Jack

Cursed from deceiving the Devil in life, upon Jack's death he was left to roam with but a burning coal to light his way. Stingy jack carved a turnip lantern in which to place the coal.

4. Why did people begin wearing masks?
Protection from ghosts
Originally, it was believed that wearing a mask would make the roaming spirits mistake one as another ghost.
5. What parallels exist between the ancient Aztec and Celtic traditions?
Both traditions include the believe that on a certain day the boundaries between the living and spirits worlds are blurred.
The beliefs diverge in that the Aztecs welcomed the spirits arriving through the convergence of the two worlds whereas the Celts believed these spirits would damage crops and cause other trouble when they arrived.